原创 世界知识产权组织前总干事:中国春节展现科技与传统交融魅力 | 世界港澳六开彩开奖号码记录观
“我在中国反复观察到一种现象,中国能够将传统价值与现代技术融为一体,春节便是一个极佳的例证。” 世界知识产权组织前总干事高锐(Francis Gurry)近日接受中国新闻网专访时,分享了自己对于中国春节习俗的观察。
“I think, Chinese New Year is a very good example of something that I see, as an observer, repeated over and over in China. And in Chinese culture, that is the capacity to integrate traditional values with the modern and new technologies,” said Francis Gurry, the former Director General of the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO), in a recent interview with China News Network.
He noted that the extensive rail network has made the annual Spring Festival travel rush possible, providing convenience for families to reunite, while digital technology has brought the tradition of red envelopes online, adding a modern touch to the holiday.
In conclusion, Gurry sincerely wishes all his Chinese friends a happy Year of the Snake and hopes everyone would have a successful and smooth year ahead. (Lin Zhuowei)
近日,特斯拉首席执行官马斯克“闪电式”访华,引发了关于“特斯拉全自动驾驶(Full-Self Driving,以下简称“FSD”)入华”的讨论与猜想。中国日报记者通过多方信源独家获悉,特斯拉提出想在中国落地“无人驾驶出租车”。对此,中国政府或先支持其在国内测试、作示范,但暂未完全批准其FSD在华全面落地。